Sedona FieldSite

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Knowledge You Need Now!

Service techs aren’t experts on all areas of all machines. Especially newer techs. What if there is a way for them to tap the knowledge of someone who is?

With the power of Sedona FieldSite™ and its built in augmented reality, an expert technician can see what the technician sees. They can remotely converse, help diagnose and fix any issues other technicians may have.

Now, workers can:

Technician Efficiency

A simple 10% increase in efficiency for a single technician could mean an increase of $15,000 in billable dollars each year. How many technicians do you have?

Reduce Rework

With the assistance of an expert, each technician can reduce the amount of rework on complex issues by getting the job done right the first time.

Reduce Training Time

New technicians can get out on their own sooner with confidence that they have access to experts and information when they need it. Turn learning time into billable time.

Improve Safety

With Fieldsite™, an expert can point out safety concerns that occur in some jobs.

Minimize Downtime

No more waiting for other technicians to be onsite to provide answers and assistance. With Fieldsite™, your technicians can get the knowledge they need now!

Image describes how PerForma Enterprise saves time and money
Email or call 877.854.3548 to schedule a demo
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